About this site

This web-site has focus on advanced techonology subjects - primarily within the area of security and compression (coding theory). It is associated with the site seniorkonsulent.dk, which focus more on technological high-level consulting assistance.

Objective are hi-performance algorithms in the fields of crypto and compression.

NB: I practize my own medicine, so here some private custom made utilities to handle this site:

HitCounterServlet v0.9: includes ip logging (Track'n Tag) to logfile, total hit tracking, local ip tracking,.., reverse dns lookup, multiple domain support (any number of domains), random or selectable fonts, cached font retrieval, manages font repository in one big .jar/.zip file. Currently operating with random selection from 388+ fonts (credits to all on the internet who contributed to the fonts). Encodes and delivers one _single_ .gif to the client. State-of-the-art servlet complient, it deployes on almost any webserver, of any version.

WebsiteShield v1.1: is a XML configurable, servlet-based suite of tools, obfuscating html contents, anonymizes files on the server, performs download monitoring, banning if necessary, javascripting in the overdrive (internet explorer only at the moment), auto-generates maintainable download pages from setup files, propogates most-recent change date out to the top html to inform users about changes. One-click rating. And more to come.

X1 archiver v0.95: is an old project (big one), experimenting with compression algorithms - representing a considerable number of hours int ansi-C coding. Right now, I have to focus on more commercial targets - but I'm detremined to revisit it and climb the benchmark lists again, at some later point.